MLA Style Citations
Open this website created by Long Island University. You will use as an MLA Style Guide. It has good, color visuals. Another site that has more detailed citations for electronic resources is from Purdue University's The OWL MLA Formatting and Stlye Guide.
You may want to use the graphic organizer called "MLAcitations_gorg.isf" from my pick-up window. If you use a graphic organizer, save your work to Word as "name_MLA.doc" and put it in my drop box.
Task 1: In a graphic organizer and/or directly into a Word document, write proper MLA citations for:
1. an entire website about the planets
2. an online article about the "new" planets from a larger website
3. an online image of one of the "new" planets
4. a book (in print) about planets from an online book seller
More Helpful Links:
Search with peripheral vision
MLA Formatting and Style Guide - The OWL at Purdue
Modern Language Association (MLA): Format, Bibliography, Style
What is MLA Style?