1. Read one of these articles. Read the entire article. Choose a few paragraphs that have something of interest to you.








 2. Open a Word document and put your name and block number at the top. Make a table in the document that looks like the one below - 1 column by 6 rows. Fill in the table with information from the article you chose. Print it out when you are done.

Name and Block #
URL and Page Title /5 points
Copy and paste here the text from the site that you want to use for this exercise. Choose a few paragraphs. Find some part of the article that you learn something from, find interesting or that applies to you. /5 points
Take notes here from the information within your pasted text. Add more text if needed. /5 points
Write what you learned here. Quote something from the copied text to show evidence of your learning. /5 points
Make 2-3 bulleted points as if this were for a PowerPoint presentation. Use phrases or keywords. You should not write long sentences. /5 points
Make a proper MLA citation for the work that you used. Use www.citationmachine.net /5 points
total points earned = /30 points